PearlStreet will conduct a complimentary side-by-side investment analysis and performance comparison for each of the funds within your retirement plan’s investment menu. Each investment will be compared to its relative peer group and benchmark index in order to determine the competitiveness of:
In order to receive this report, please e-mail the plan’s latest quarterly investment overview report to: [email protected]
DC plan fiduciaries are required by law to ensure that fees paid by plan participants are considered “reasonable.” How do retirement plan fiduciaries determine “reasonable” levels of plan fees? PearlStreet utilizes an independent and comprehensive plan fee benchmark service that deploys a straight-forward, four-step process for helping determine fee reasonableness:
Results of this report are based upon real-time, fresh comparative data gathered on thousands of retirement plans across the country, and totally independent from the plan’s recordkeepers, advisors, and other proprietary service providers.
If you are interested in receiving this customized report, respond to this link and a PearlStreet team member will contact you directly to provide you with more information about the process.
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